Whom do you smoke with? That is one measure of social acceptance of weed, and when it comes to parents smoking recreationally with their children, an exclusive Yahoo News/Marist Poll finds it to be far more common than one would think, but not nearly as common as, say, families sharing a bottle of wine. The younger the children the less likely this is to happen. Of those parents in the survey who say they use marijuana (which is 18 percent of all parents), 93 percent say they do not smoke in front of children younger than 18 years of age. In contrast, nearly half of parents of adult children -47 percent say they have used marijuana with an/or in front of their kids. On the flip side, only 26 percent of adults say they have used the drug with or in front of their parents. This discrepancy likely reflects the fact that a greater proportion of millennials currently use marijuana than baby boomers. So while its not the norm, the family that smokes together is a glimpse of the possible future, should trends toward legalization and acceptance continue. The surveys prove that it is less taboo now for Americans who have had experience with marijuana to be open with family and friends, with that being said. Grab the family relax and enjoy a good joint! #Happy #4/20