The Human Rights Foundation is pleading with Nicki Minaj to reconsider an upcoming show in the Middle East.
The Human Rights Foundation says if Nicki goes through with a performance at the Jeddah World Fest in Saudi Arabia, she’ll be selfishly choosing to take money from a regime that has violated the rights of “tens of millions of Saudis.” The state-sponsored music festival, sponsored by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, requires all attendees to be 16-plus. The alcohol-free event requires women in attendance to wear a full Abaya and view the performance from a separate area.
In 2015, the Human Rights Foundation criticized Nicki for performing for former Angolan president Jose Eduardo dos Santos.
Hot Takes:
- An open letter from the Human Rights Foundation tries to point out how hypocritical it is for a gay ally, like Nicki, to play at a place that doesn’t consider gay people to be human.
- There’s been a lot of controversy over who will and won’t take money to perform in Saudi Arabia. A few months back, the WWE got called out for a massive 10-year deal.
- A concert by Nicki Minaj sounds like fun but isn’t going to change anyone’s mind about the government.
- Does Nicki not know what’s going on in Saudi Arabia? Or does she just not care?
- It was only a few months back that women got the right to drive. And the women who protested for that right are still in jail.
- Just because the people in power are bad doesn’t mean everyone who lives there should be deprived of entertainment.
- She might have to switch a few lyrics and outfits up so as to not offend.