50 Cent is trying to pull a Power play by calling out a cable executive for messing with his money.
The executive producer of Power went on Instagram to air out his issues with Comcast boss Brian L. Roberts. The cable provider is on Curtis’s radar because of plans to drop the Starz channel from its lineup. That would mean fewer people able to watch Power and its spin-off, Power Book II: Ghost. Less ratings means less money for the show’s stakeholders.
Fix called Roberts “the guy [messing] up Power… for no reason.”
Hot Takes:
- These kind of disputes are commonplace between networks and cable providers. But usually it’s not quite as raw and public as Curtis is making it.
- Roberts might not know who he’s messing with.
- How funny would it be to see this guy create an Instagram and pop up in the comments to clap back?
- Does a guy like Roberts even know or care what is being said about him on social media?
- A letter-writing campaign might be more effective.