Kanye West is going to church this Sunday.
After popping up at venues around the country for Sunday Service concerts over the past few weeks, Yeezy has a different faith-related activity planned. TMZ reports that Kanye will sit down with famous TV televangelist Joel Osteen for a chat. The two will talk for 20-30 minutes about Kanye’s recent decision to dedicate his life to Christ, in front of a crowd at the Lakewood megachurch in Houston.
Hot Takes:
- Maybe Kanye is taking notes so he can open his own megachurch one day.
- I’m kind of surprised it didn’t happen sooner.
- I wonder what the folks that go to the church every week think about Kanye taking center stage.
- I thought church was about going to worship Jesus, not Yeezus.
- Handing a live mic to Kanye usually has some interesting results.
- They’re gonna need a bigger church!
- The church is a 16,000 seat arena where the Houston Rockets once played,