Tony Woods here. You know what I like even more than being on the radio talking to you guys? Being a daddy!! I have a 15 year old daughter and a 6 year old son. Sylvia & Myson, my oldest would stay on her phone 24/7 and my youngest playing video games if i didn’t have alternative activities for them. Maybe you have a similar problem. If so, here are some easy inexpensive ways to entertain your children:
(1) Don’t ask me why but hiding things from my son always works. He will look for something for an hour. Sometimes I don’t even hide anything, and he’ll still be looking. Hide something your child likes, something that can be eaten usually works. This teaches them to use their imagination, and even more importantly, to move around and get a little exercise. Now that will not work for a teenager, but this will. Sylvia is at least 2 years away from driving, but that doesn’t mean we can’t look at vehicles. (2) My goal is to just get her moving around after sitting still on her phone all day. To look at cars you have to walk over there, then way back over here. Sometimes you have to trick kids into exercising.
Childhood obesity is a growing problem, whatever activity you can come up with helps. You can always come up with your own daily dose of movement for your kids, I know you will because you love being a dad just like I do!