Felicia O’Dell, known to many as ‘Auntie Fee’, is one of the many online sensations to hit it big after an amateur cooking video circulated the internet featuring Fee in character. Let’s talk about this character/persona that has enabled the official Auntie Fee YouTube page to garner over 500,000 subscribers and 43 million views in less than 3 years. Let’s not mention the amount of views and impressions she accrued on platforms such as Vine, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. What’s her gimmick? She’s an unorthodox Chef that keeps it real. Her ability to capture and entertain the masses such as Sweet Brown but with a legit target audience: people that love to eat.
No ever said the food she was cooking was good for you, which could be the reason she spent a week on life support after experiencing a heart attack. After showing no progress, her family decided to pull the plug. Our prayers are with them.
Just a week ago, Aunt Fee was in the kitchen being herself 🙁